



TPM Suite
TPM Suite
TPM Suite
TPM Suite
TPM Suite
TPM Suite

TPM Suite

研华TPM Suite 是一款基于平台认证,软件DRM,加密,访问控制,随机数生成,TPM常见游戏应用的软件解决方案,支持硬件的多用途安全支持应用程序开发和部署的安全套件

  • 基于硬件的多用途安全
  • 支持所有具有可信平台模块的DPX®系列产品
  • TPM常见游戏应用的软件解决方案
  • 平台认证,软件DRM,加密,访问控制,随机数生成









Feature Summary




Key TPM Features

Unique per-board RSA key
Generates, stores and protects RSA keys: keys never leave the TPM chip un-protected
RSA asymmetric encryption and signing
SHA-1 hashing
Generates random numbers to 1-million bit random-ness (as tested by US NSA)
Chip is physically secure from physical tampering
What is the TPM Suite? TPM Suite is Advantech-Innocore's software package to help the developer use the TPM chip and build security solutions needed to protect his intellectual property and investment in engineering resources


Typical Applications of TPM

There are two principle applications of the TPM chip and supporting software:

Tie the application to the main board: the application will only run on a main-board configuration you determine. Various identifiers can be used including:

Hardware configuration available
PCI devices
Version of BIOS
Version (model) of board
Specific board-unique key – tie the application to an individual board or range of boards


Key TPM Architecture Concepts:

Two key concepts in TPM architecture that allow the software architect to build strong security schemes are 1) Establishing Trust and 2) the use of Platform Configuration Registers.

Trust and Establishing Trust

All code run by the processor is checked before it is run.
A digest is derived from the code to be run and stored in a platform configuration register (see below).
The digest is used as the basis of establishing whether the code is trusted.
If un-trusted, application booting can be halted.
Trust starts at the system BIOS and proceeds through system extension ROMs, MBR, OS loader and application code.


Platform Configuration Registers

24 in all, 8 for hardware use, 16 for software use; populated one-by-one as the system boots.
Contain digests of key parts of the system, e.g. BIOS, PCI bus, Boot-disk MBR and partition table, OS loader, application software.
Combined digests can be used to form the basis of an encryption/decryption key- pair which is used to encode your software: if the board configuration changes, so do the PCR values – consequently the encryption key changes and your application doesn’t run.
Contents are difficult to reproduce without running exactly the same code.


Package Contents

Libraries, drivers and developer resources
Sample source code
Sample precompiled binaries for Advantech-Innocore main boards.
User manual describing key concepts, protection schemes and sample code.


Support Requirements

Development machine: Advantech-Innocore DPX® Series motherboard with TPM
Atmel AT97SC3203/4 TPM chip fitted
Windows XP SP2 or Linux 2.6-based distribution
Windows XP: Microsoft Visual C++ 6 or newer
Linux 2.6: gcc 3.3 or higher.
20MB disk space


Other References

Trusted Computing Group Web Site: https://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/home
Atmel TPM Datasheet.
Advantech-Innocore “Security Suite - Secure Boot Datasheet”


OEM Customization and Product Development

  • Advantech-Innocore specializes in the fields of PC-based hardware design and software Our in-depth knowledge and global resources make us your ideal partner.
  • Advantech-Innocore is part of the Advantech , Ltd. Group of Companies.
  • Specifications subject to E&OE.
  • Copyright © 2011 Advantech , Ltd.
  • All rights Advantech-Innocore, the Advantech-Innocore Logo, DPX, ConnectBus are trademarks of Advantech Co., Ltd. in the UK, US and other countries.
  • All other trademarks are acknowledged and
TPM SuiteTPM Suite



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