





研华 HMINavi 是一款 开放式图控软件,允许用户在一个项目中管理多个HMI应用程序,支持 Unicode 和多语言文本的动态语言切换。

  • 允许用户在一个项目中管理多个HMI应用程序
  • 支持 Unicode 和多语言文本的动态语言切换
  • 支持密码保护的设计、宏和上传/下载操作
  • 可运行Windows开放平台应用程序
  • 提供索引寄存器,用于在运行时修改设备地址
  • 支持多种数据采集和趋势呈现技术
  • 操作日志方便事件回顾和调查
  • 支持超过 500+ PLC 控制器协议
  • 符合食品药品监督管理局Title 21 CFR Part 11









Feature Details

Global Settings and Resources Sharable to All Project Applications

  • Multiple languages (up to 30 languages for project application)
  • Font templates (up to 20 fonts for each language, TrueType fonts supported)
  • Picture database (+PNG and SVG), sound database (WAV), and text database
  • Global tags
  • Global macros

Numerous Solution-Oriented Screen Objects

  • For common HMI needs

Buttons, lamps, message displays, numeric displays, numeric entries, character displays, character entries, time displays, date displays, bar graphs, meters, etc.

  • For animations

Picture displays, GIF displays, animated graphics, dynamic rectangles, dynamic circles, pipelines, circular bar graphs, etc. Customizable basic graphic object colors (text, lines, rectangles, circles, etc.), as well as button and lamp shapes.

  • For advanced functions

Line charts, scatter charts, recipe selector, recipe table, alarm history display, active alarm display, alarm count display, historic trend graphs, historic data table, historic event table, historic line charts, operation log display, sub-link table, etc.

Communication Links

HMI products can have up to four built-in communication ports. HMINavi Designer software allows users to create up to four links and 255 sub-links for a single application. The inclusion of more than 500 communication drivers enables 1-to-N (one panel to a wide variety of industrial devices) or N-to-1(multiple panels to one device) connections. WebAccess/HMI Runtime supports up to 16 built-in communication ports and allows users to create up to 16 links for 255 sub-links with serial ports, as well as 128 sub-links with Ethernet ports for a single application.

One Design for All Models

HMINavi Designer software features an automatic resizing function for resizing all objects to fit the screen size if the HMI model is changed. Thus, HMI model changes can be rapidly implemented.

Easy to Accumulate/Reuse Design Achievements

  • Import/Export Function

HMINavi Designer provides a simple method for importing and exporting data between applications and projects. This data can include language settings, font templates, pictures, sounds, text, tags, macros, applications, screens, alarm messages, control blocks, and status word settings.

  • Object Library

The object library enables convenient configuring, managing, and sharing of user- defined objects. The object library contains default objects, common objects, object groups, and global objects.

Enhanced Intellectual Property Protection

HMINavi Designer offers enhanced IP protection with up to 9 password levels for securing operations and restricting object access. Users can set passwords to protect projects, tables, and global macros, and also prohibit the uploading and copying of panel applications stored in the HMI unit.


HMINavi Designer provides comprehensive solutions for recipes.

  • Supports up to 16 recipe blocks
  • Provides a recipe selector for selecting recipes and a recipe table for displaying and modifying recipe data at runtime
  • Provides Recipe Editor, an independent executable program, for viewing and editing recipe data saved in binary files
  • Supports bit notification when recipe operations are performed successfully to prevent data loss

Supports Data Saving to CSV/TXT Files

Supports the saving and loading of collected data to/from CSV or TXT files. These two standard file formats ensure easy manipulation of data on a PC.


HMINavi Designer supports up to 16 discrete alarm blocks and up to 16 analog alarm blocks. The software also offers alarm history display, active alarm display, alarm count display, and alarm marquee for displaying the application alarms.

Macros Offer an Easy-to-Learn Language with Simple Syntax

Application developers can program their own solutions using macro commands for the following:

  • Operations not supported by a standard object or feature of HMINavi Designer sequential, interactive, conditional and file operations
  • Non-linear data conversions
  • Data exchanges between two controllers
  • Simple communication drivers
  • Difficult-to-implement tasks in controllers
  • Reducing controller load to boost performance

Simplified Architecture

  • Real-time WYSIWYG screen editor, eight toolbars, and a screen manager
  • Screen overview showing the relationship between the application screens
  • Link overview showing the relationship between application links of the current application
  • Object list showing the screen objects and associated I/O address of the current screen
  • I/O list showing all I/O addresses of the project and their owners
  • Compiler for building, verifying, and optimizing designs
  • Online/offline simulation for design verification
  • Data Transfer Helper (DTH), an independent executable program, for obtaining and updating application data via a serial or Ethernet port
  • Text Editor for editing all screen texts in multiple languages


Ordering Information

Rebindable S/W Key License

  • 36OTAHMI0600A1 HMINavi Runtime 0 600 tags S/W (Extension Only)
  • 36OTAHMI0100A1 HMINavi Runtime 0 100 tags S/W license
  • 36OTAHMI1200A1 HMINavi Runtime 0 1200 tags S/W license
  • 36OTAHMI2400A1 HMINavi Runtime 0 2400 tags S/W license
  • 36OTAHMI6000A1 HMINavi Runtime 0 6000 tags S/W license
  • 36OTAHMI9900A1 HMINavi Runtime 0 9900 tags S/W license
  • 36OTAHMI030KA1 HMINavi Runtime 0 30000 tags S/W license

USB Dongle License

  • 36OTAHMI002UA1 HMINavi Runtime 0 2400 tags S/W USB dongle
  • 36OTAHMI009UA1 HMINavi Runtime 0 9900 tags S/W USB dongle
  • 36OTAHMI030UA1 HMINavi Runtime 0 30000 tags S/W USB dongle





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